Player Event History (Last 28 Days)
Date | Type | Description | Server | Map |
2024-03-11 04:12:16 | Connect | I connected to the server. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:47:05 | Disconnect | I left the game. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:46:55 | Team | I joined team "TERRORIST" (ZOMBIE). | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:46:55 | Connect | I connected to the server. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:46:55 | Connect | I connected to the server. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:06:13 | Disconnect | I left the game. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:05:39 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:05:01 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:03:21 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:02:33 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:02:06 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:01:38 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 03:00:42 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with deagle. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:59:19 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:58:21 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with deagle. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:56:45 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:54:31 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with p90. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:52:25 | Team Bonus | My team received a points bonus of 2 for triggering "All Counter-Terrorists eliminated". | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:51:33 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:47:02 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:45:49 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:44:38 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:42:19 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with sg550. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:41:16 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with sg550. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:39:29 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with sg550. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:38:18 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with sg550. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:37:47 | Death | Wiggy killed me with usp. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:34:35 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:34:14 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:33:40 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:33:03 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:32:20 | Death | Wiggy killed me with sg550. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:31:22 | Death | Wiggy killed me with sg550. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:27:57 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:27:23 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:26:41 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:26:28 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:26:01 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:24:35 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:23:49 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:23:18 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:21:56 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:20:16 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:19:42 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:17:26 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:16:32 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:15:50 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:14:56 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:14:22 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
2024-03-11 02:13:34 | Death | ϟ ๖ۣۜSтorм ϟ Samus Aran killed me with m249. | UNLOZE | [ZRiot: Day 5/12] Scythx Day | Ranking | zr_office_v3 |
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Generated in real-time by HLstatsX Community Edition 1.17
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